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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just some random crap.

Here's just some random crap to share.

  First spent some time at the range today. Most of all the weather here in Virginia and especially in the lower right corner was perfect. Days like today are too few. I spent some time playing with some of my favorites shooting at Steel targets with cast ball rounds form the 45's and cast lead bullets from the Glock. Holy crap did he say, cast lead from a Glock? Yes I did! It preforms better than I do. Things I learned the same identical round from a 1911 is 200fps slower than it is from a Hi-point carbine. That 230 grain round at over a 1040 fps is just awesome.
  I also learned if I want to shoot like "Hickok 45" I need to take more ammo to the range. I was able to ring "Evil Roy" at 50 yards and many of my misses hitting the target directly behind it at a 100 yards.Using my 3rd gen Glock 22. So using a Glock at longer distances is not out of the question.

BTW the 1911 was doing it's job at 25 yards. I can't always say that about my eyesight.

This is from the Marlin Forum and thought I share it. It's  pretty interesting History lesson

I said this would be random crap. I have been trying to avoid Political stuff but sometimes get sucked in. Any that know me know I would not piss on either candidate if they were on fire. However this was in my inbox today, and thought I would share it.  If you like it thank Jeffie for it, if not just pretend you didn't read it.

One sunny day in January, 2013, an old retired Marine approached the
White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue where
he'd been sitting on a park bench.

He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would
like to go in and meet with President Obama."

The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Obama is no longer President
and no longer resides here."
The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.

The following day the same man approached the White House
and said to the same Marine,
"I would like to go in and meet with President Obama."

The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday,
Mr. Obama is no longer President and no longer resides here."

The man thanked him and again just walked away.
The third day the same man approached the White House
and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying,
"I would like to go in and meet with President Obama.

"The Marine, understandably agitated at this point,
looked at the man and said,
"Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here
asking to speak to Mr. Obama.

I've told you already that Mr. Obama is
no longer the President and no longer resides here.
Don't you understand?"

The old man looked at the Marine and said,
"Oh, I understand.
I just love hearing it." 

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said,
"See you tomorrow, Sir.

As you know if you follow my BLOG I love the ladies. All of them. I have my personal favorites and even though I have been married to a Blonde, I wouldn't say they are my favorites. However I seen this little gal today at Domai and had to share her.

Then it is Thursday so some Tatts might be in order.

Get out to the range this weekend weather forecast is more of this great weather. Be safe in what ever you do.  Stripper (Rock fish not girls on a brass pole) season is less than 2 weeks away.

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