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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wild Wet Wednesday

Rains blamed on Alberto have continued here in the Northern Virginia.  Should see a beak in it by tomorrow.  Till then share a few things with all of you.  I hope most ccw holders already know what the police aspect from you in a traffic stop.  In case you don't this may save you from a serious ass whopping.
Howdy Folks,

I'd like to help pass this along also
Wounded Warriors Program
is a worthy charity and if you can
join in or help with a donation please please contact the folks below. 
This would be great experience for those wanting to learn about Cowboy Shooting
and help a worthy cause at the same time.

Howdy Folks,The Pungo Posse Charity Match, benefiting the Wounded Warriors Project, will be held on Memorial Day, Monday, 28 May 2012.   Range opens/registration about 8:30.  Shooters meeting at 9:30, start shooting at 10am.  I have attached the stages, written by Wildcat Will,  in Word and PDF Files.  The match is free but we are asking that you make a tax deductible contribution to the Wounded Warrior Project to help the men and women of the Armed Forces that have given us so much.  You can make a donation online at Pungo Posse Charity Match  or you may make a donation at the match.   Hope to see ya there.  Happy Trails.

Missouri Marshal

Then on the lighter side

The Secret Service  Director issued new rules of conduct for agents Friday.  They can no longer get drunk, procure hookers or go to strip bars.  The rules say that from now on, if agents feel compelled to engage in such behavior, they can run for public office like everyone else.

that cleans out the email box