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Sunday, January 6, 2013

First day at the range for 2013

  I know I know I should be ashamed of myself. Today was maybe the nicest January day I can remember. I've been a few of them. and the memory thing maybe effected because of that.  I got there early thinking I'd be done before anyone else got there. Yeah right! Northern Virginia and it's sunny and nearly 50°.  What i like to refer to as morning coffee with friends could have been nicer. Took a couple familiar friends and a couple I haven't had out in awhile.

.38 spl S&W and S&W "Safety" or "Lemon Squeezer".32 cal.

This should have been a 2 to the head 

Not in the picture is my Springfield 1911 the one I refer to as my BBQ Gun and my Stoeger  Coach gun. This was my first SASS shotgun. Ran some muscle memory with the revolver and the 1911. Then loaded the little pocket friend with some Black Powder ammo I had put together 5 or 6 years ago for this one. This little gun amazes me how accurate it is at the distance I have shot it. Today about 12 paces in front of the bench. I fired 11 rounds at the center mass they all hit the target. Over all I had only one round I don't one to take claim for. I had also taken the Coach gun along to try out some exotic rounds that I have been picking up from SRP Enterprises of Portsmouth Va. you can reach him at . Today's loads were called Hog Hunters/Killers they were basically  I believe are 2- 50 caliber balls with 3-00 buck in each. I had shot some thru my old model 500 with the field barrel a few weeks back and thought they were pretty good. I wanted to see how they would vary with the much shorter barrels. The Stoeger has just the barrel choked Mod and Imp cylinder tubes. No screw in's. Some folks don't like the double barrel I believe it is because they have always shot a pump and have never took time to learn how to use a double. These rounds preformed excellent. I would highly recommend them for there intended use and other. I also think I prefer these over the tradition rifled slug or a round ball load and straight  00 Buck. I will try some of the additional SRP ammo at another time. Their a little on the spendy side but I think this an ammo you can count on. Then report on them. Again the target was only 12 paces in front of the bench. Being a lazy ass, I never moved it again and did not set out multiple targets like I do most days. This is just a standard IDPA target with band aids covering the other holes form the earlier shooting I have attached a link to the video. I received   a new camera for Christmas and set it up on a small tripod and shot the video. The second one was a after thought. Video production is new to me and hope to play with it more this year. I have 4 cams here that record videos.

I will be picking my 1860's, back up in a couple of weeks and I am going to be giving my first try at a double action competition in the next few weeks. Hope to be able to report more then in the mean time. In the meantime, enjoy this great weather. Get to the range get out and catch some strippers. Football is nearly over so turn the TV off.

BTW the Seachickens suck.

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